foster - Foster a dog, save a life
German Shepherd Rescue of Central Texas is in need of short and long-term fosters. We do not have a shelter, so all dogs live in foster homes until they are adopted. We always have more requests for dogs than we have space available in foster homes. Fostering saves lives!
What to Consider
Fostering is a commitment you make to your foster dog to be there with them until they are adopted. Foster dogs live with us in our homes and are treated as part of the family until they are able to join their forever family. This is where they learn the true meaning of a home, something many of them have never experienced.
As a foster you will:
Saying goodbye is often the most difficult part, but you can take joy in knowing your foster dog is matched with a wonderful family and you now have a spot to help another dog in need. Being a foster parent to a scared, unwanted dog is hugely rewarding. Without you they would not have the chance to live the life they deserve.
Your Responsibility
Our Responsibility
German Shepherd Rescue of Central Texas will provide you with the information and resources you need to succeed as a foster parent.
This includes: Vet Care, Food & Supplies, Emotional Support
What to Consider
Fostering is a commitment you make to your foster dog to be there with them until they are adopted. Foster dogs live with us in our homes and are treated as part of the family until they are able to join their forever family. This is where they learn the true meaning of a home, something many of them have never experienced.
As a foster you will:
- Giving your time and energy to your foster dog
- Sharing your living space with your foster dog
- Helping a medically or emotionally damaged dog heal
- Being able to say goodbye when the perfect match is made
Saying goodbye is often the most difficult part, but you can take joy in knowing your foster dog is matched with a wonderful family and you now have a spot to help another dog in need. Being a foster parent to a scared, unwanted dog is hugely rewarding. Without you they would not have the chance to live the life they deserve.
Your Responsibility
- Providing a safe, nurturing home environment
- Spending quality time with your foster: walks, house training, crate training, socialization, basic manners
- Transporting your foster as needed for vet visits and events
- Being available for meet and greets with potential adopters
Our Responsibility
German Shepherd Rescue of Central Texas will provide you with the information and resources you need to succeed as a foster parent.
This includes: Vet Care, Food & Supplies, Emotional Support
Apply to Foster
Fill out our foster application here or the box.