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Meet Deacon
Do you think I am cute or do you think I am handsome? It’s a fine line when you’re fluffy. I look similar to a werewolf, but the question is…more of a Van Helsing scary watch out for full moons or more a Michael J. Fox werewolf, a teen wolf that shoots hoops and gets boops. You know?
Speaking of teenagers, I am entering into my teenage canine years, at just 18 months old. Going back to my earlier chat, speaking of full moons, do you know that the moon is a ball. A ball! I love all toys, but balls are the best. It makes sense, because I myself am a ball ‘cording to Foster Mom, I am a ball of energy.
I do have some fear of new humans and dogs initially, but once I get to know you I am very friendly. I am a very affectionate dog and you will enjoy as I stare mesmeringly into your eyes. I was even scared of my Foster Family’s dogs at first, but warmed up after a proper intro in just 5 days. If you have other dogs, you will have to be willing to not give up after 2 days.
I do use up much of my energy running and playing with dogs in the yard. You can also take me on walks, I do well on a leash. I am a good boy in the crate and car. There are so many good things about me. I did test low positive for heartworms and the rescue can discuss treatment with you.
I am looking for a family that really wants a loveable cute dog who also happens to be handsome. I have so much affection bottled up and really really need a family to squeeze it on. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Do you think I am cute or do you think I am handsome? It’s a fine line when you’re fluffy. I look similar to a werewolf, but the question is…more of a Van Helsing scary watch out for full moons or more a Michael J. Fox werewolf, a teen wolf that shoots hoops and gets boops. You know?
Speaking of teenagers, I am entering into my teenage canine years, at just 18 months old. Going back to my earlier chat, speaking of full moons, do you know that the moon is a ball. A ball! I love all toys, but balls are the best. It makes sense, because I myself am a ball ‘cording to Foster Mom, I am a ball of energy.
I do have some fear of new humans and dogs initially, but once I get to know you I am very friendly. I am a very affectionate dog and you will enjoy as I stare mesmeringly into your eyes. I was even scared of my Foster Family’s dogs at first, but warmed up after a proper intro in just 5 days. If you have other dogs, you will have to be willing to not give up after 2 days.
I do use up much of my energy running and playing with dogs in the yard. You can also take me on walks, I do well on a leash. I am a good boy in the crate and car. There are so many good things about me. I did test low positive for heartworms and the rescue can discuss treatment with you.
I am looking for a family that really wants a loveable cute dog who also happens to be handsome. I have so much affection bottled up and really really need a family to squeeze it on. I look forward to getting to know you better.
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